Garden escapes in Ireland

Below are some of the many 'garden escapes' that can be seen growing wild in Ireland. Some of these are only found as casuals but thouh others have become more established distribution maps often don't accurately reflect their frequency and distribution in the wild in Ireland as they are unevenly recorded.

alison,sweet anemone,Japanese Aubrieta balm (lus na meala) bay bears-breeches bellflower,adria bellflower,trailing bistort,red (stóinse dearg) blue-eyed-grass,American borage (borraiste gorm) bramble,chinese bridewort (brídeach) bridewort,confused bugle, garden cultivar bugle, garden cultivar butchers-broom butterfly-bush (tor an fhéileacáin) cabbage-palm campion,rose candytuft,garden cape-gooseberry chamomile,Austrian chamomile,sicilian chilean-iris columbine (colaimbín) comfrey,creeping comfrey,russian (compar Rúiseach) cornflower (gormán) cornflower (gormán) corydalis,yellow (giodairiam buí) cotoneaster,Himalayan (cainchín Aiseach) cotoneaster,Stern's cotoneaster,wall (cainchín balla) cotoneaster,willow-leaved cranes-bill,caucasian cranesbill,Druces cranes-bill,French crocus,early crocus,hybrid crocus,spring currant,black (cuirín dubh) currant,flowering (cuirín) cyclamen / sowbread daffodils daisy,seaside daisy,shasta daisy,south african dames-violet (feascarlus) dead-nettle,spotted dogwood,white elder,dwarf (tromán) escallonia (tomóg ghlaech) evening-primrose,common (coinneal oiche) Evening-primrose, fragrant (Connneal oíche chumhra) evening-primrose,intermediate evening-primrose,large-flowered (coinneal oíche mhór) fennel (finéal) feverfew (lus deartán) figwort,cape flax,new zealand fleabane,mexican (nóinín balla) fox and cubs (searbh deargh) foxglove,fairy (méirín si) fringe-cups fuchsia (na fiúsaíos) fuchsia,white giant-rhubarb (gunnaire) gladiolus,eastern grape-hyacinth green alkanet (boglas spáineach) ground ivy,variegated hebe: hedge veronica hebe: koromiko (niamhscoth shailí) honesty honesty honeysuckle,himalayan (féithleann álainn) honeysuckle,Japanese Honeysuckle, Wilson's hop (hopa) horse-radish (meacan ragaim) iris,stinking (glóiriam) kerria knotweed,giant (glúineach chapaill) knotweed,himalayan (glúineach spiceach) knotweed,japanese (glúineach bhiorach) knotweed,lesser (glúineach an chlúimh) ladys-mantle lamb's-ear laurel (labhras silíní) laurel,spotted laurustinus lilac Lily, Easter lobelia,garden loosestrife,dotted (breallán dlúth) lords-and-ladies,italian (cluas chaoin) lords-and-ladies,italian (cluas chaoin) love-in-a-mist Lupin, tree (Lúipín crua) mallow,garden tree-mallow mallow,marsh (leamhach) mallow,musk (hocas muscach) mallow,musk (hocas muscach) mallow,praire marigold,pot meadow-foam monbretia (feileastram dearg) montbretia,Potts monkey-flower (buí an hogaigh) monkey-flower,hybrid mullein,moth mullein,twiggy myrtle,Chilean nasturtium pansy,garden parrots-feather parsley,garden (peirsil gharraí) Passionflower, blue pea,broad-leaved everlasting periwinkle,greater (an fincín mor) periwinkle,intermediate periwinkle,lesser phacelia pink-sorrel (seamsóg ghlúineach) pink-sorrel,pale pirri-pirri-bur (lus na holla) pirri-pirri-bur,two-spined poppy,californian poppy,opium (codlaidín) potato (práta) Privet, garden pygmyweed,new zealand rhododendron (róslabhras) rose, Excelsa rose,many-flowered rose,japanese (rós rúscach) rose-of-sharon (lus buí Mhanannáin) russian-vine salmon-berry sea-buckthorn (draighean mara) Skunk-cabbage, American snapdragon snowberry (póirín sneachta) snowberry (póirín sneachta) soapwort (garbhán creagach) snowdrop snowflake,spring snow-in-summer Sow-thistle, blue (Bleachtán gorm) spurge,caper spurge-laurel stonecrop,butterfly stonecrop,caucasian stonecrop,lesser mexican stonecrop,reflexed (grafán crom) stonecrop,rock (grafán creige) stonecrop,white (grafán bán na gcloch) strawberry,yellow-flowered three-cornered garlic (creamh garraí) toadflax,purple (buaflíon corcra) tomato tutsan,Forrest's st johns-wort Hidcote valerian,red (slán iomaire) virginia creeper wallflower (lus an bhalla) water-lily,fringed (scéithín uisce) Waterweed,Canadian (Tím uisce) Waterweed,Nuttalls (Tím uisce chaol) winter heliotrope (plúr na gréinne) yellow archangel, variegated yellow-sorrel,procumbent (seamsóg bhuí) yellow-sorrel,procumbent yellow-sorrel,upright (seamsóg ghallda)

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