Irish wildflowers BSBI map

Wild Clary, Salvia verbenaca, Tormán
Photographs: Co. Waterford

Wild Clary
Salvia verbenaca
Family: Lamiaceae

Flowering May - August. Perennial. Native.

Loose spikes of two-lipped, purplish-blue flowers, usually in whorls of 6. Smaller, non-opening corollas are hidden in the calyx. Basal rosettes have stalked oblong-oval leaves, irregularly deep-toothed and wrinkled but the stem leaves are stalkless. A slightly sage-scented plant, height 30-80cm

Rare, mainly found on the south and east Irish coasts on dry, +/- base-rich dunes, grasslands and roadsides.

Wild Clary, Salvia verbenaca, Tormán

Wild Clary, Salvia verbenaca, Tormán
Wild Clary, Salvia verbenaca, Tormán

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