Irish wildflowers BSBI map

Confused Eyebright, Euphrasia confusa
Comeragh mountains, Co. Waterford

Confused Eyebright
Euphrasia confusa
Family: Scrophulariaceae

Flowering May - August. Hemiparasitic annual. Native.

Usually the only Eyebright flowering in May. The flowers have fairly small whitish corollas and stems are short or prostrate (no more than 3cm) with few branches. Identified by Paul Green

Occasional on heathy grassland and stabilised sand dunes.

All the Eyebrights, Euphrasia are very similar and frequently hybridise so identification can be very difficult

Confused Eyebright, Euphrasia confusa

Confused Eyebright, Euphrasia confusa
Confused Eyebright, Euphrasia confusa

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