Photographs: Bantry, Co. Cork |
Babington's Orache Atriplex glabriuscula Eilifleog chladaigh Family: Chenopodiaceae Flowering time: July-September. Annual. Native. Monoecious. Flowering spike often leafy, male flowers with 5 sepals and stamens, female flowers without sepals and 2 triangular bracteoles enclose ovary and fruit. Bracteoles have 2-3 small equal-sized teeth each side, fused approx halfway. Leaves tapered at base. A variable spreading, procumbent or occasionally erect plant, stems and leaves +/- mealy. Occurs around the Irish coast on sand or shingle. Identified by Paul Green Similar: Spear-leaved Orache, Atriplex prostrata |
Babington's Orache, Atriplex glabriuscula, Eilifleog chladaigh