Irish wildflowers BSBI map

Gipsywort, Lycopus europaeus, Feorán corraigh
Photographs: Co. Cork and Co. Limerick

Lycopus europaeus
Feorán corraigh
Family: Lamiaceae

Flowering time: July-September. Perennial. Native.

Many whorls of small whitish-pink flowers at base of the upper leaves and the calyx is bell-shaped, hairy and spine-toothed. The slightly hairy and deeply pinnate-lobed leaves are usually stalked and have very pointed tips and lobes. Height 30-100cm.

Likes wet or damp ground on stream and river banks, in fens, marshes and wet woodland and on damp roadsides.

Gipsywort, Lycopus europaeus, Feorán corraigh

Gipsywort, Lycopus europaeus, Feorán corraigh
Gipsywort, Lycopus europaeus, Feorán corraigh

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