Irish wildflowers BSBI map

Arctic Eyebright (subsp), Euphrasia arctica subsp borealis
Photographs: Sherkin Island, Co. Cork

Arctic Eyebright (subsp)
Euphrasia arctica subsp. borealis
Family: Scrophulariaceae

Flowering time: June-August. Semi-parasitic annual. Native.

Flowers with white-lilac upper and lower lips. Sharp-toothed bracts and leaves, the leaves with short glands. Upward-curving branches nearly equal to stem in length. The upper half of plant is more/less glandular-hairy. Robust and very variable. Identified by Alan Silverside, BSBI

Widespread among grassland and on roadsides, growing in damper habitats than Euphrasia nemorosa.

Arctic Eyebright (subsp), Euphrasia arctica subsp borealis

Arctic Eyebright (subsp), Euphrasia arctica subsp borealis
Arctic Eyebright (subsp), Euphrasia arctica subsp. borealis

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