Irish wildflowers BSBI map

Squinancywort, Asperula cynanchica, Lus na haincise
Photographs: the Burren, Co. Clare

Asperula cynanchica
Lus na haincise
Family: Rubiaceae

Flowering time: June-September. Perennial. Native.

Dense clusters of vanilla scented small pinkish or white flowers with 4 petals. The fruit is a pair of slightly rough nutlets. Whorls of 4 narrow linear-lanceolate leaves have at least the upper whorls with two long and two short leaves. A slender, hairless plant with branched 4-angled stems and a prostrate or sprawling growth habit. Height 10-25cm.

Found on calcareous dunes, sand-hills and among rocky grassland in the south-west and west of Ireland.

Squinancywort, Asperula cynanchica, Lus na haincise

Squinancywort, Asperula cynanchica, Lus na haincise
Squinancywort, Asperula cynanchica, Lus na haincise

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