Irish wildflowers BSBI map

Ramsons, Allium ursinum, Creamh
Photographs: Bantry, Co. Cork

Ramsons / Wild Garlic
Allium ursinum
Family: Lilaceae

Flowering time: March-May. Perennial bulb. Native.

Star-like white flowers in flat-topped umbels on slender stalks. The stalked basal leaves are oblong-oval and pointed and have a strong smell of garlic when crushed. Bulbs are very small. Height to 35cm.

Frequent in damp, shady ground in woodland, hedgerows and by rivers

Similar: Three-cornered Leek / Three-cornered Garlic, A. triquetrium has narrow leaves and drooping flower heads

Ramsons, Allium ursinum, Creamh

Ramsons, Allium ursinum, Creamh
Ramsons / Wild Garlic, Allium ursinum, Creamh

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