Irish wildflowers BSBI map

Restharrow, Ononis repens, Fréamhacha tairne
Photographs: Barleycove, Co. Cork

Ononis repens
Fréamhacha tairne
Family: Fabaceae

Flowering time: June-September. Perennial. Native.

Solitary pink/purple flowers grow on short stalks from the leaf axils and are followed by seedpod with 1-3 seeds. The alternate leaves have 1 or 3 oval, toothed leaflets and young shoots are sticky-hairy. Creeping or sprawling growth habit with branched stems that are woody at the base. Height/spread: 10-50cm

Rough grassland, scrub, dunes and waste ground mainly in S, E Ireland

Similar: Spiny Restharrow, O. spinosa. Very rare, Waterford and Dublin

Restharrow, Ononis repens, Fréamhacha tairne

Restharrow, Ononis repens, Fréamhacha tairne
Restharrow, Ononis repens, Fréamhacha tairne

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