Irish wildflowers sitemap More: Sedges, Club-rushes

Cyperus eragrostis

Pale Galingale
Cyperus eragrostis
Family: Cyperaceae

Flowering mid-summer to early autumn. Perennial. Introduced.

Spreading umbels of fairly compact greenish to yellow-brown spikelets above 5-8 linear bracts. A loosely tufted plant with rough-edged leaves and short rhizomes that can form dense clumps. Stout erect stems. 60-100cm. Slightly frost-tender.

Riverbanks, water edges, waste ground. A garden escape or discard able to establish and spread in the wild. Recorded from S Ireland, counties Cork, Waterford and Kilkenny.

Identification confirmed by Paul Green, Co.Wexford


Pale Galingale. Inishannon, Co.Cork. March 2008

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