Irish wildflowers Sitemap More: Grasses

Great Brome, Anisantha diandra

Great Brome
Anisantha diandra

Family: Poaceae

Flowering May-June. Annual. Introduced.

Similar to Barren Brome, Anisantha sterilis but the flowerheads are usually +/- erect and the branches have much longer spikelets (70-90mm). There are 2-4 branches in each cluster with 1-2 spikelets, the awns 35-60mm. Flat, downy leaves with hairy sheaths. Height 40-100cm.

Usually coastal on disturbed, sandy ground and roadsides. Most Irish records are from Co. Wexford and Co. Dublin.

Identification needs confirming or correcting

Great Brome, Anisantha diandra       Great Brome, Anisantha diandra

Great Brome, Anisantha diandra
Great Brome, Anisantha diandra. Co.Wexford, July 2009

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