Irish wildflowers Sitemap More: Ferns

Broad Buckler-fern, Dryopteris dilatata

Broad Buckler-fern
Dryopteris dilatata
Raithneach leathan
Family: Dryopteridaceae

Spores ripen July-September. Deciduous or semi-evergreen. Native.

Spreading tri-pinnate fronds facing inwards and suddenly
narrowing at tip. Height to 1m+.
Oval-triangular scales with dark stripe down centre.
Sori in two rows on segments. Upright rhizome.

Very frequent throughout Ireland, especially upland areas. Acidic coniferous or deciduous woods, heaths, hedgebanks, shady ledges.


Immediately above: Broad Buckler-fern, young plant. March 2007

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