Irish wildflowers BSBI map

Pignut, Conopodium majus, Cúlarán
Photographs: Crookhaven, Co. Cork

Conopodium majus
Family: Apiaceae

Flowering time: May-June. Perennial. Native.

The umbels of white flowers are 6-10 rayed and drooping in bud. Leaves are finely-cut and mainly basal, withering soon after flowering. Smooth, often zig-zag stem, becoming hollow after flowering. An erect, slender plant with globular, deeply buried tubers. Height 30-50 cm

Very frequent in dry woods, old grasslands and on heaths throughout Ireland but prefers light soils.

Pignut, Conopodium majus, Cúlarán

Pignut, Conopodium majus, Cúlarán
Pignut, Conopodium majus, Cúlarán

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