Irish wildflowers sitemap More: Sedges, Club-rushes

Carex panicea

Carnation Sedge
Carex panicea
Cíb chruithneachta
Family: Cyperaceae

Flowering May-July, fruiting June-September. Perennial. Native.

Single, terminal, purple-brown male spikelet. 1-3 stalked, erect, female spikelets with three stigmas to each floret. Ovoid green to purplish fruit, the inner side inflated, minute (0.5mm) beak. Bluish grey-green leaves, +/- flat with 3-sided points, close-fitting sheaths and blunt ligules. Leaves as long as stems, height to 50cm.

Can be abundant on damp, acidic soils, heathy grasslands, fens, bogs and mountain flushes.

Similar: Glaucous Sedge, Carex flacca. Found on calcareous ground, 1-3 male spikeletss



Carnation Sedge

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